Melissa Carbonaro- 2020

(consulted via facetime & text messages)

This is my second time around breastfeeding.  My first child was so easy to breastfeed, and our journey lasted for 16 months.  Of course I assumed it would be easy this time around with my second child.  Boy was I wrong!  Initially my daughter had a hard time latching and staying latched while nursing.  It was so frustrating to helplessly watch my daughter struggle to eat!  Turns out I wasn’t helpless after all… I had Jenelle!  She introduced me to different positions to successfully nurse my daughter.  I saw instant results!  It was such a relief.  My baby was gaining weight and eating beautifully!  Then I ran into another problem when my daughter turned a month old.  She was in so much pain while eating… literally crying while she was nursing.  I was already on a bland diet and I had no idea how to help her again.  I was ready to end my breastfeeding journey.  But yet again, Jenelle to the rescue!  By asking the right questions and using her knowledge and personal experiences, she was able to diagnose this new problem and guide me through it.  Again, instant results!  Jenelle truly is a breastfeeding guru!  She has allowed my breastfeeding journey to continue!  She has helped my daughter’s tummy issues, saved my sanity, and enhanced my eldest daughter’s experience with the baby. 

Jessie Smith- 2020

(consulted via phone)

Jenelle is a godsend! I reached out when I was at my wits end with my daughter (mind you it was a Sunday). She was teething, biting & on a nursing strike. I was a complete mess. I was scared our breastfeeding journey was over. My daughters pediatrician even said it may be the end. Jenelle was so kind. She listened to all concerns & talked me through each strategy to try. My daughters nursing strike lasted 9 days. Jenelle checked in on me & was so calm & compassionate. I’m so glad she helped me because I would have misread the strike as her self-weaning. I would have missed out on more of our journey. Thank you Jenelle!

Detra Bennett- 2019

(consulted in person & via phone)

Jenelle is amazing! While in the hospital after having my daughter she came to my rescue! We had a hard time latching. Come to find out She was what we call “hangry”! Jenelle figured that out! Feeding her just a few minutes earlier than I planned made my girl latch without having issues.

Jenelle also came to my rescue with my girl in daycare. She wouldn’t eat her bottle of breastmilk because they were trying to feed her when she wasn’t ready. Jenelle suggested not trying to force feed her. Once she made the decision on her own to eat and not being force fed she drinks all her bottled breastmilk!

I can’t say enough wonderful things about Jenelle and our breastfeeding experience!

Jenelle is amazing: She is not only extremely knowledgeable but is also kind, amazing with the babies (gently sings to them) and will come to your rescue very quickly.
— Sasha's momma Adriana (2022)